venerdì 27 luglio 2012

Intervista esclusiva alla fotografa Weronika Kosińska/exclusive interview to Weronika Kosińska

Miei Cari lettori,

Oggi ho il piacere di presentarvi l'intervista in esclusiva alla fotografa polacca Weronika Kosińska.
Vive a Cracovia, una delle più belle città della Polonia, chiamata la città degli artisti. 
Come tutti i fotografi ama viaggiare e l'anno prossimo sogna di andare in città come New York, Berlino e Londra.
Con la sua prima reflex 35mm analogica ha iniziato a scattare foto, principalmente di natura e ritratti, ama la fotografia macro.
Dopo il liceo, studia filosofia e sente il desiderio di diventare un regista teatrale, ha  diretto un paio di pieces, lavorando con giovani attori e improvvisamente la fotografia è diventa la passione più forte della sua vita.
Così ha investito un sacco del suo tempo, energia (e soldi :) ma il piacere e le soddisfazioni sono state tante!

Continua così la mia rubrica, non solo incentrata su artisti storici, ma anche sui nuovi talenti, nazionali e internazionali della fotografia che ci permetteranno di conoscere sempre più a fondo questo affascinate mondo.
Viaggeremo e conosceremo la loro arte, la loro vita e i loro paesi.

My Dear Followers,
Today I have the pleasure to show you my exclusive interview to Polish photographer Weronika Kosińska.
Lives in Krakow, one of the most beautiful cities of Poland, called the city of artists.
As all photographers she loves to travel and next year dreams of going to cities like New York, Berlin and London.
She got her first analog camera and started taking pictures, primarily nature and portraits, loves macro photography.
After high school, She studied philosophy and feel the desire to become a theatre director, she directed a couple of plays, working with young actors and suddenly the photo becomes the strongest passion of her life.
So she invested a lot of her time and energy (and money:) but the pleasure and satisfaction were so many!

A special thanks from me to Weronika for her cooperation and kindness.

So Continue my post , not only based on historical artists, but also on new talent, both national and international photographers, that will allow us to know increasingly lunge this fascinating world.
We shall know, so their art, lives and their countries.


Tell us about yourself…
Parlaci di te…

(age and place of birth/occupation)
(età/luogo di nascita/professione)

I’m twenty nine years old, live in Cracow, Poland. I studied philosophy at Jagiellonian University and Radboud University in Nijmegen, Netherlands, and Literary Translation. I work as an editor in publishing house – and take photos.

Can you show us some photos of your city?
Puoi mostraci qualche foto della tua città?

I only take photos of people, so I don’t have any pics of Cracow. But it’s very easy to find them on the web, just google it! :) Cracow is very beautiful and nice place to live, with a lot of great places to visit. It’s also called the city of artists.

When your passion for photography started and when it turned into a profession?
Quando inizia la tua passione per la fotografia e quando si trasforma in una professione?

I started shooting in high school, with analog camera and mainly in black and white. But as it was time of intense searching for what I want to do in my life, and photography wasn’t the only thing that fascinated me. I wanted to be a writer for a long time (since I was three), theatre director (I directed  a couple of plays), a research worker. And suddenly studies were over and I had to find a job. I was very lucky to find one in the publishing house. So I work on literature: edit books, make sure that they sound and look as best as then can. I like this job very much, it allows me to work mainly at home. So I went back to photography and this time it turned out to be my lasting passion. First I took photos of my friends, then I started to meet new models. Soon I started publishing my works in a couple of magazines. But I still wouldn’t call photography my main profession – I work as an editor and that job allows me to become more involved in photography. I would say I divide my time between books and photos – and it’s great.

What difficulties did you encounter in your career?

Quali difficoltà hai incontrato nella tua carriera?

The main difficulty for me was that I didn’t know anyone, when I started takings photos. No make-up artists, no models, no photographers, no magazines editors etc. I came out out of nowhere. It was something completely new for me. And I was lucky again: my webmaster’s girl, Lucyna Rossa, turned out to be a wonderful make-up artist. Soon we started to take lots of pictures together, working on our portfolio, making new friends. I sent our photo shoots to a lot of magazines, hoping someone would answer. And someone did answer!

Did being a woman affected your business?
il tuo essere donna ti ha condizionato nella tua attività?

Well, I don’t know, probably it did, but it’s hard for me to say how. I think I have a good connection with my female models and being a woman helps me to build a relation during the photo shoot. For sure it’s harder for me to carry heavy equipment J But sometimes I feel I’m too delicate to negotiate, and I think that a masculine energy would help me a lot. Now I have an agent, who takes care of some things for me, and it feels really great.

What are the subjects you love more immortalized in your photographs, outside work?
Quali sono i soggetti che ami di più immortalare nelle tue fotografie al di fuori del lavoro?

I love to photograph people, especially women, that’s all. Maybe it will change, but for now – that’s it.

Studies and professional training ... What were they?
studi e formazione professionale...Che cosa erano?

I didn’t take any professional training on photography. I’ve read books, studied the instructions, talked to other photographers, but mainly: took photos, took photos, took photos.  

What are the photographers on the international and national stage and that you have most influenced?
Quali sono i fotografi sulla scena internazionale e nazionale che ti hanno maggiormente influenzato?

I admire Steven Meisel and Paolo Roversi, but still trying to find my own way and not to copy the style of others, it just doesn’t make sense. I just follow my eye, my head, my imagination – and see what happens. Sometimes it’s very suprising and tells me a lot about myself.

What is for you the photography?
Cosa rappresenta per te la fotografia?

Fun and passion. Something that makes me happy (and very unhappy sometimes).

What were your most important projects?
and you have most loved?
Quali sono stati i tuoi progetti più importanti?
e che hai maggiormente amato?

Every single one of my projects was great and important, and a lot of fun. “Grandma Collection” was important, because it was the first photo shoot I made for one of my favourite magazines. I knew what kind of photos they publish, I had an idea and decided to give it a try. And it worked! They loved it and published it. It was amazing. Another photo shoot, “Melancholy”, was important, because I had a clear vision in my head and managed to realize it – the photos came out like I saw them in my head.

What are your future projects?
Quali sono i tuoi futuri progetti?

Lately I fell in love with beauty and hair photography. I work on my portfolio, playing with new techniques and lighting.

Thanks again for your cooperation and for your availability
Grazie ancora per la vostra collaborazione e per la tua disponibilità

Thank you, Giorgia :)
Giorgia Di Giorgio

New works


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